The Farmer’s Wife by Funbun

The Farmer’s Wife

Written and Illustrated by Funbun

“Let me handle that little trollop from the City!​”​ his wife had said a couple of times.​

Lianne stayed at the farm for a student exchange program, but little came off her hands. The farmer enjoyed her youthful beauty and accepted her laziness, as he simply loved to have such a gorgeous girl around him. Much to the jealousy of his wife.​

His wife, no nonsense woman as she was, waited for the right moment and after having a late morning shower, Lianne found her waiting.​..​

She pulled the lovely smelling, but terribly naked girl with her to a straight backed chair and took her over the knee.

“​I’ll teach you a lesson!​”​ the farmer’s wife yelled and within seconds her work-hardened hand smacked down onto the white, unblemished buttocks of the girl..!

Lianne, who had never been spanked before, yelled and screamed her head off, attracting the attention of the farmer.​ ​He raced up the stairs to see a gorgeous young woman over his wife’s lap, getting a very firm spanking.

At first he felt he should stop the spanking, but his eyes were already caught by the well-rounded bare buttocks of Lianne and he stood just watching.​ ​Lianne’s body rocked and jerked over his wife’s lap, trying to avoid the ongoing series of smacks. But the farmer’s wife was a strong woman and she had no other choice than to accept the first spanking of her life…


Tennis Pro’s by Funbun


Spanking the Maid by Funbun